Tucson in top 5 of magazine’s list of best places to live

A national magazine has ranked Tucson among the top five places to live in the United States, because of its bike paths, Mexican food and natural amenities.
The June issue of Men’s Journal bequeathed the honor on Tucson, which ranked cities based on career opportunities, access to nature and the quality of urban life.
“It isn’t Scottsdale,” the New York-based magazine concluded of Tucson – and meant it as a good thing.
Portland, Ore., topped the list. Tucson joined Seattle, San Diego and Memphis, Tenn., as the next best four (in no particular order).
Tucson is no stranger to lists, having been named among the best places for Hispanics, best places to stay fit and best places for dining in recent years.
Such accolades are not lost on those whose job it is to promote Tucson.
The Metropolitan Tucson Convention & Visitors Bureau makes sure people know about how the community scores points when marketing the area, spokeswoman Kimberly Schmitz said.
“It gets Tucson in people’s minds,” Schmitz said, “when they see these articles and see what a great place Tucson is.”